SrImatE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavara munayE nama:
The mArgazhi nOnbu vratam:
The pAvai nOnbu vrata- a ‘vyAjam’
pAvai nOnbu vrata observed by AndAL during the month of mArgazhi finds
inspiration in the kArthyAyaNi vrata observed by the gOpIs during the hEmanth
ritu/season (~ mArgazhi). Such a vrata in mArgazhi does not find pramANa
(basis) in shAstrAs. This is similar to the holi festival (vasanta utsav) celebrated
in northern India. The rationale in celebrating this festival is not stated in
the vEda-shAstrAs. However, the tradition of celebrating holi is honored owing
to the customs and practices embraced by the elders of the society. mImAmsa
shAstra sheds light on the “hOlAkAthi karaNa nyAyam”, which denotes that the
honoring of some events can be attributed to customs and conventions observed
by the elders.
a similar note, AndAL says- "mElailayAr seivana venDuvana kETTiyel".
Owing to the severe pain associated with being separated from emperumAn, AndAL
was too weak to go anywhere. She, thus, embraced the mood of the gOpIs
(anukAram) and followed the footsteps of the gOpIs in observing the pAvai nOnbu
vrata. In this context, let us recall what the gOpis did with kannan at
in his kriShNAvatAram, performed wonderful pastimes at thiruvAyppADi. kannan’s
thirukalyANa guNAs were so attractive that it captivated the hearts of the five
lakh gOpIs of brindAvanam. By the grace of kannan, when these gOpIs were
bestowed with youthfulness (yauvana parvam), they desired to enjoy the divine
association of kannan, that is bhagavth samslESham. However, the older citizens
of AyppADi were angered by the gOpis’ desires and found means to separate them
from kannan, their beloved charmer. This deeply disappointed the gOpIs, who
were kept secluded from kannan in the underground grain storerooms (nel
kalanchiyam) of their homes. Unable to bear the separation from kannan, there
eventually came a heartening opportunity. At the time, there was no rain in
thiruvAippADi as a result of which agriculture and farming suffered. The gOpIs
thought this would be a good time to announce the performance of a nOnbu, a
ceremony that will be observed for the flourishing of the land and people. However,
the underlying intention of the gOpIs was to use this nOnbu event as a vyAjam/pretext
to associate with kannan. The clever gOpIs chose kannan as the lead for their
vrata and were convinced that given the stated purpose of the vrata, the older
folks would not mistake seeing them with kannan in course of the vrata. The
gOpIs, thus, proceeded with the nOnbu with kannan as the upAyam for this
AndAL, with her friends at SrIvillipuththUr, followed the path of the gOpIs in
observing the nOnbu vrata as a vyAjam to attain emperumAn.
to note for prappannAs is that this nonbu does not qualify as an upAyam (means)
pursued by AndAL since it merely served as a pretext/excuse to attain her goal-
kriShNa samslESham- for which AndAL chose SrI krishNa to be the upAyam.
nOnbu- a vyAjam; is AndAL being untruthful?
the nOnbu vrata was justified as an observance of a ritual dedicated for the
prosperity of the land and people, AndAL’s underlying intention was to attain
emperumAn. The question that now arises is that is AndAL being dishonest when
using nOnbu as a vyAjam (pretext) to attain emperumAn and claiming to the place
that she is doing so for a different purpose.
shAstrAs state that it is acceptable for one to lie in the circumstances of
marriage, nearing death or saving a brAhmaNa or a well-wisher from a
predicament. In the case of AndAL, she was in the stage of giving up her life
owing to separation from emperumAn. Hence, from this perspective, it was okay
for AndAL to state a different, convincing reason to perform the nOnbu vrata.
If the nOnbu is simply a pretext, can it be fruitful?
Having said that the nOnbu vrata, on the face of it, was
observed for worldly prosperity, it may now be questioned as to how any dEvata
would offer any benediction upon AndAL and her friends since the underlying
intention of doing the vrata was different from what was outwardly stated. The
answer to this is that the nOnbu would certainly prove successful since, both
in the case of AndAL as well as the gOpIs, they followed the rules and
regulations associated with observing the nOnbu ritual (“neyyuNNOm pAluNNOm nAtkAlE nIrADi”). By
executing the ritual per vEdic injunctions, they were bound to receive the
fruits of their actions. Further, they considered kannan emperumAn as the
upAyam for their nOnbu, which automatically assured success.
Why nonbu, not madal?
AndAL took up to observing the nOnbu ritual
rather than doing maDal oordal, which was resorted to by thirumangai AzhwAr to
compel emperumAn to come to him. The idea of maDal oordhal is that an estranged
lover evokes sympathy in public by boldly exclaiming that she was deserted for
no fault of hers; this in turn would evoke the compassion of the man and would
compel him to reunite with her. Having understood this, it appears more natural
for AndAL to have taken up to maDal oordhal since it was well within the
purview of nAyaki bhAvam, which was innate to AndAL versus to AzhwAr. However,
AndAL adeptly avoided maDal since firstly, she was none but bhUmi pirATTiyAr;
pAratantriyam is an essential quality possessed by pirATTiyAr and maDal oordhal
would be svarUpa hAni- that is, it would go against this attribute of
pirATTiyAr since it reflects the pursuing of an upAya other than emperumAn. Secondly,
AnDAL understood that maDal would not work best in the case of kannan, who is
characteristic of his mischiefs (chEShTithangaL); had AndAL or the gOpIs
resorted to maDal, kannan would have in turn resorted to a similar thing,
wherein he would have playfully complained that the girls were not giving him
attention, they didn’t bother to see him and so on. Thus, AndAL took to
performing the nOnbu vratam.
TRANSLATED from thiruppāvai avathārikai in mūāyirappadi of vyAkhyAna chakravarti, swAmi periyavāchchān
AndAL thiruvadiklaey sharanam | emperumAnAr
thiruvadikale sharanam
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